Sunday, July 31, 2016

Beginning of week 5 of summer vacation - our school garden is growing well!

It's the already the beginning of week 5 of summer vacation and our school garden is moving along well.  We've had some troubles with the water source not working correctly. This, along with the fact that we have been having fantastic sunny weather this summer, has meant that the crops are not getting the much needed water they need to thrive even more. The tomatoes are most affected so far. 

So today, we headed over to the fire station and asked the amazing fire fighters if they wouldn't mind bringing one of their trucks over to water our gardens.  And guess what!  They said yes!  So now, a full truck load of water has sprinkled our gardens and the plants will be happier until hopefully the water source can be fixed.  Thank you so much to the crew at Barrhaven Fire Station #47!  We are so grateful!  

The kale and lettuce have grown another crop so those were harvested today along with about 20 cucumbers.  We will again drop these off for donation to Parkdale Food Centre.   There are a ton more baby cucumbers coming; along with lots of pumpkins, potatoes and onions that will await the return of everyone to school.  

Thanks again for all the volunteers that are continuing to make this project such a success.  

More food to be donated to Parkdale Food Centre - Kale, Lettuce and Cucumbers this time!

Baby pumpkins are starting to grow


Tons of Cucumbers!



Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Begining of week 3 of summer vacation - St Cecilia's school garden is looking great thanks to our amazing volunteers - even the grass is cut and a new crop (beans) have been planted into one empty garden in hopes that they will be ready for the beginning of school!  

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Today, we had the privilege of donating some of the harvest from our school garden to a local food bank, called the Parkdale Food Centre.  This is a unique and amazing food bank in that it is the ONLY food bank in the city that is accepting fresh produce.  It offers unique services to its clients by offering the opportunity to pick up fresh produce, meat and dairy.  They offer free cooking classes; freezer space to store prepared meals (that are often made right on site with Parkdale Food Centre staff) and a cozy eating area for clients to enjoy food with friends.  It was so fabulous to see the harvest from our school gardens go to a meaningful place that will be enjoyed by so many.  They are looking forward to enjoying tomatoes when they are ready from our gardens and have invited us to participate in making tomato sandwiches for the clients.  It is a truly unique centre!

Dropping off huge bags of lettuce, kale and spinach
Look at all the fresh produce that clients can choose from!
Pantry staples

Guided with the belief that all individuals have the right to healthy, fresh food, the Parkdale Centre atmosphere and enthusiasm for healthy food is inspiring and contagious!  

Our kale, lettuce and spinach garden is now all harvested with the hopes that they will grow again this summer.  Let's wait and see!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Week 2 of summer vacation and our school garden is growing so well!  We have lots of kale, lettuce and spinach that is ready to harvest.  We have potatoes, onions, cucumbers and pumpkins.  And we have tomatoes - tons of tomatoes that are flowering and growing.  If all the flowers turn into fruit we will be looking for great ways to use them up!  

Kale is growing in abundance!  

There promises to be pumpkins come the fall
