Saturday, May 28, 2016

May 26, 2016

Yesterday, Mme Gauthier’s JKSK class and Mme Nicoletti 4B’s class partnered together to plant some lettuce (la laitue), kale (le chou) and spinach (les épinards).  The Grade 4s helped to pull all the weeds that had popped up since the volunteers prepared all the beds. They now understand what the expression, “growing like a weed” means!

IMG_20160525_1119297.jpgThe grade 4s learned that there is important  information on the seed packets, such as the spacing of the seeds during planting and the  the appropriate depth to plant the seeds.  They made many connections to our Science unit on Habitats and Communities, about a living organism needing enough space to survive!

The Gr 4 leaders were grouped with the JKSKs and once the beds were ready, they planted the seeds.
The JKSKs got right in there and dug into the dirt to plant their seeds.  The Grade 4s watered the seeds after planting and a group of students returned to water them again today with Mme Nicoletti and Mr. Collen.

Thank you parents for the wonderful tools we received to assist us in our planting! We can’t wait to see our plants grow!


Monday, May 16, 2016

Our 2016 Spring Clean Up

On Saturday, May 14, 2016, we got started! A big thank you to our Parent Lead Volunteer, Brandy McDevitt!  She organized a great, successful morning! 

First, the families that joined in helped finish up the weeding and clearing out of last year's growth. 

These boys looked like they are playing but they had an important job to do! They were helping Mr. Collen by hauling the full compost bags to the other side of our school! 
Then the dump truck arrived with the soil! 

We also had a bit of extra soil to fill a couple of our flower beds around the school yard!

Great team work! Our beds are ready for new seeds and keen St. Cecilia students! This team also helped us divide each bed into sections!  

Getting Started!

Welcome to St. Cecilia School Community Garden Blog!

We are excited to share our journey of learning, community building, environmental stewardship, and fun!

We hope this can be a space for everyone involved in our St. Cecilia School Garden to share their experiences. Let’s be excited about what is working and let’s learn together as we troubleshoot when it doesn’t!